JUST IN - US trade deficit surged to a record high of $109.8 billion in March, topping $100 billion for the first time in history.

The deficit exceeded forecasts and is likely the biggest indicator as to why the GDP decreased 1.4% last quarter.


    • is shredding our economy and that of Europe while Russia thrives. 

      In the Ukraine Biden has spent  $13.6 billion in emergency aid in March, and now in May an additional $33 billion. 

      Back home the DHS has spent $72 million to avoid building more border wall. President Biden’s new budget siphons off $2 billion in unspent border wall money and allow it to be spent instead on building roads or cutting down brush along the U.S.-Mexico boundary to make it easier for illegals to cross.

      Inflation is at an all time high, illegals crossing into America is at an all time high. Spending on Ukrainian Border Security is at an all time high.

      Spending on US Border Security is at an all time low.

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