B Rad

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I've seen the attached all over the conservative sights. And for the most part they have it wrong. Our enemies will not relinquish and fade into the Sunset until we actively hunt them down. Simple human nature. I am not a passive conservative. Passive Conservatives are also known as victims. Plan, prepare. 


Why aren't my posts showing up? 

LOL, I bet this drives Libtards nuts.


Former Justin Amash supporter torches Amash at town hall over wanting Trump impeached!  We need to get this woman on StreetLoc


I'm still laughing. A school shooter drill with the bad guys dressed up like Mooslems. 


Any gun buddies here? How about some gun bunnies? Here's something that absolutely drives me nuts explained by one of my favorite trainers. 


Uh Oh, Looks like the Deep State is starting to eat their own. Pass the popcorn.


Uh Oh, Looks like the Deep State is starting to eat their own. Pass the popcorn.


Any gun buddies here? How about some gun bunnies? Here's something that absolutely drives me nuts explained by one of my favorite trainers. 


My first post. Let's hope I don't screw it up. Angel Moms missing their children on mothers day. Which I will link. Hopefully. But this story hits closer to home than I prefer. I'm a gym rat and about a year ago one of the regular couple showed up, she looked like she had had a stroke. Nope. The belonged to a MC club and on a trip to Las Vegas they were tee boned on their bike by a Drunk Illegal alien. She was a little thing to begin with and took the brunt of the blow. Her husband has been carrying her into the gym for over a year. They know the secret of steel. a year later she walking with help from machine to machine. Progress every day. An inspirational couple. Build the damn wall.
