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The Fulton County District Attorney's Office has once again shown that they have no respect for the integrity of the grand jury process. This was not a simple administrative mistake. A proposed indictment should only be in the hands of the District Attorney's Office, yet it somehow made its way to the clerk's office and was assigned a case number and a judge before the grand jury even deliberated. This is emblematic of the pervasive and glaring constitutional violations which have plagued this case from its very inception. —Drew Findling and Jennifer Little

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Wow! The DeSanctus TWITTER launch is a DISASTER! His whole campaign will be a disaster. WATCH!

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To the Great State of Georgia, Get Out and Vote for the WONDERFUL Herschel Walker.

Herschel was a Great Athlete, and he will be an even greater United States Senator! To all MAGA Voters, that is, people that want to Make America Great Again and Put America First, today is a big and important day. Vote for Herschel.

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The Polls are really strong, especially since Tuesday’s announcement, hence the appointment of a Radical Left Prosecutor, who is totally controlled by President Obama and his former A.G., Eric Holder. This is not Justice, this is just another Witch Hunt, and a very dangerous one at that! No way this Scam should be allowed to go forward!

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Our Country has never seen a Weaponized “Justice” Department, and FBI, like they are witnessing right now. They are doing everything they can, much of it unlawful, to protect an incompetent and corrupt President, and his drug addicted criminal son. The system is Tainted and Rigged, just like our Elections are Tainted and Rigged, and just like our Border is for sale to the highest bidder, OPEN, and a disgrace to humanity. In the meantime, our Country is failing at a level never seen before!!!

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Maureen Dowd, the super whacko who constantly writes so nastily about me, saying things that if ever said about another person, trouble would ensue. This has been going on for years, even before the Times became a financially failing enterprise. Maureen always wants to be so “juicy,” so why doesn’t she write of her Trump escapes, where she bombed sooo badly - over and over again. “Have you no shame?” I once asked her. She’s a sick & angry person, perhaps mentally disturbed. Give it up, Maureen!

Good news on the ridiculous Fringe Benefits case, the likes of which, in the history of our Country, have never been tried before. The D.A.’s Star Witness, who has been beaten down, persecuted, and threatened like few people ever, admitted on the stand that Donald J. Trump and members of the Trump family knew NOTHING about his acts in question. We relied on the highly paid Accounting Firm, a reliance case. Therefore, this trial should be over. Stop Record Violent Crime in New York. WITCH HUNT!

Certain International businessmen will never endorse me because I’m for AMERICA FIRST, they are for CHINA FIRST. Likewise, believe it or not, certain politicians, or RINO losers like Karl Rove, a money grabbing machine who does nothing for the good of the Republican Party. If their not for AMERICA FIRST, I’m not for them, and never will be. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

Nobody should ever be interviewed by the FBI without making a recording of the interview. The FBI doesn’t want recorded interviews because that way they can make up statements as to what was said - happens all the time. Our corrupt “Justice” system is at work today like never before. FBI offered Jonathan Steele One Million Dollars to lie about me, and paid a Russian $200,000 to get Trump. Failed to find anything on me regarding the January 6th Hoax, or the Document Hoax!

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