Woke up this morning and I’m starting to feel better. 

I tested positive for COVID on Wednesday around 8:30 pm EST. 

On Thursday I received the Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment around 10 am EST, and I immediately started taking Azithromyacin and Hydroxychloroquin (HCQ). 

Since then, I have also taken Ivermectin, which has helped tremendously in getting rid of my cough. 

There’s a reason the media is railing against Ivermectin, and that’s because it works and the media is desperate to maintain their false narrative that it’s somehow dangerous. 

For supplementation, I’m also taking Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, NAC, and Quercitin. I also took Pepcid. 

I recommend all of you create a COVID preparedness kit for your homes that have the medications you will need if you do get COVID. 

My fever has kept coming and going these last few days, so I’ve also been taking some ibuprofen for the fever and inflammation. I still feel tired and nauseous, but I feel much better than I did on Thursday! 

Thank you for all of your prayers and  well wishes. 

Much to the media’s dismay, it looks like I’m going to live to see another day... unvaccinated, unmasked, and with full, natural immunity!

  • 💓 1
    • Prayer (& Ivermectin) works!

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