There are people in Trump’s circle both politically and in Congress who he thinks are loyal to him, and they are instead leaking stories to the press and plotting against him one moment while they stand on stage at a rally with him the next. 

People like MTG think they can just go on Twitter and post a tweet that appeals to  low information voters to create a facade about how they really feel about Trump, and all of the terrible things they say about him in private. 

It’s really an incredible act of betrayal and disloyalty.

If you’re going to do something or believe in something, just own it. Don’t be a two faced witch and pretend like you don’t know what happened.

  • 2
    • It hurts my heart, the way he's been treated ever since his announcement to run in 2016. Horrible, the number of fake "friends" & "allies" who have stabbed him in the back while looking directly into his eyes....& still are. for !

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