I find Gab to be filled with a bunch of Anti-Semites and China has too much control with Gettr. While I share posts on each site you will find me spending most my time with StreetLoc and ConnectZing. Now if someone could explain what's with the ribbons and points under the profile pics on the "Who To follow" panel? How does one earn points and are they worth something more than bragging rights? 🧐

    • Hi Zel, right now the points and the ribbons system is experimental, we will reveal more information on how it works along with the new release of StreetLoc. There are some really exciting new features, additions, bug fixes and usability improvements on their way, if all goes well we expect to begin rolling out updates towards the end of February.  

      • Gab can be a rough place to be Andrew is great though and he runs a good ship. I've been on Gab since 2016 and have not left. I'm on Gettr but hardly post there. Parler I would not trust after their Jan 6 antics. I'm on Twitter more for my amusement than anything else.

        From what I understand the points and ribbons are experimental and reset fairly often. 

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