Here is info about the MAGA gathering in Palm Beach this week if you would like to share far and wide!  

The President will depart MAL at 11:50am tomorrow to head to NYC. He would like to push as many ppl as possible out on southern blvd down to the Publix from MAL to wave flags and show their support! 

will have a helicopter in the air and there will likely have press in the motorcade. 

For Tuesday- the President will return at 7pm but would like streets lined with supporters as early as possibly - if they can start and have a large crowd at 2pm when he gets arraigned that would be a stellar split screen.

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    • You know it's bad when the Democratic Party is relying on a Porn Star to save them in the 2024 elections.

      • "This is not Mandela or Navalny wrongly imprisoned for their political views; this is a lifetime of crime finally culminating in 3rd world kangaroo court justice. As they steep to their lowest levels ever."

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