Sarah Spiderbozz

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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.
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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.
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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.
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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.

Have a great Aprils Fools Day and be safe out there!!

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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.

US AirForce "Women's history month"Β 

Now you know why the drastic decline in military signups due to the US Government acknowledging mental illness in their ranks!

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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.

Reminder these Pedocrats are sick fucks.Β 

No more calling them Democrats they will be called Pedocrats

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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.

The LGBTQ Agenda seem to all want to legalize Pedophilia

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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.

If you see this in your area or on your travels do not engage with these β€œthings” , they are literally excrement like when you flush the toilet after you go #2. , move on not worth your time πŸ’¨πŸ‘ŠπŸ»

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Reposted Derrick Byron's post.

A cognitive test should be required for everyone alive who voted for Biden

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