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Judge must be an Obama nomination.

So disgusting.

Highest standards of journalistic integrity...🤔😆😅😂🤣

I would be surprised if they were not doing it.  Democrats do not think laws apply to them.

⛓️Any news on Truth Social platform?⛓️

Unlike most here, I don't expect a wow factor overnight.  I hope it first provides some one way real news (not fake news), while it tests the waters, meaning can it survive every attack and take down schemes the left, evil big tech, the democrat white house, fbi, and George Soros billions can throw at it?

Only after it is fort Knox safe should it expand into a larger media empire.  Otherwise, one glitch and CNN will be clanking champagne glasses at the failing Trump network.

Just my 2¢.

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What happened to the Outback?

I always thought Subaru should make a car named scissor.

This is sketchy.  Who uploaded?  Who removed?

Blacks will do anything for money.

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Judge Judy is back on the air.  Her new courtroom drama is called Judy Justice.  Basically the same format. But she got rid of Byrd.  Good decision.

She made 40 million dollars a year for many years.  Yet she can't stay away from the bench. 😁

It's Free on IMDb TV.

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Today is General Robert E Lee's birthday. Today is still a state holiday in the South. Lee was one of the greatest generals in history & it's worth remembering on his birthday what we can be again.