Your Timeline

If it was "owed to contractors for completed work" I can understand the ruling. But Trump has the authority to halt any new spending going forward (I think). I would hope the administration asks for documentation that the work has been completed before paying.

I lived and worked in Jackson when I was younger, loved that region.

Canada imposes 25% tariff on electricity, Minnesota says "pfft, yawn, whatever"

If anything, the tariff on whiskey might get more attention. The drunks around here love Canadian Windsor.

πŸ’–James 1:12πŸ’–

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life....

Every soul that truly loves God, will have its trials in this world. If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will deny us. So we hold resolutely to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. (2 Tim 2:12/Heb 10:23) May you devote your all to the service of the Lord, confess His name before the angels of God (Luke 12:8) and .... have a wonderful day, Amen! 😊

Saw a video of this. He certainly took control of the crowd leaving them all standing in silence.

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Globalist banker background, still no good for the people of Canada.

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Call upon the Lord Jesus and find your mercy with God. Enjoy the night, rest well .... and pray. πŸ™ ο»Ώο»Ώ

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πŸ’–James 2:13πŸ’–Β 

For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment....

God deems it His joy to pardon and bless those who might justly be condemned at His tribunal; and His grace teaches us who partake of His mercy, to do the same. We must not harbor bitterness in our hearts. (Matt 6:14-15/Heb 12:15) As a fellow child of God, then, we urge you not to receive His grace in vain. May you show love for others as He has shown love to you (2 Cor 6:1/John 13:34) and .... have a wonderful day, Amen! 😊

Put off tomorrow's anxiety until tomorrow and you may find it has come to pass, this works for me often. Enjoy the night, rest well .... and pray. πŸ™

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πŸ’–Psalm 25:9πŸ’–

The humble He guides in justice, And the humble He teaches His way....

When we go to God in humble prayer, and with a proper sense of dependence, we can trust that He will guide us in the paths of righteousness, leading us to what is true and right (Ps 32:8). May you accept a life of communion with God as the most comfortable path to follow, that your joy may be full (Rom 5:1/1 John 1:4) and .... have a wonderful day, Amen! 😊

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It may surprise you how strong this verse can be when said earnestly out loud (John 14:14). Next time you dwell on the delights of some favorite sin, think of its effects as you behold them here! May God remove that cup from your hand as He has done for me 14 years ago today (3/8/2011) Enjoy the night, rest well .... and pray. πŸ™

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Makes sense to me!

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