I see a lot of people attacking Nick Fuentes for never “having a relationship with a woman”. 

That’s a personal choice. And it’s not fair to attack someone based on whether or not they have ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s very hard to sustain, and let alone meet people in a romantic way when you are a controversial public figure. 

I can definitely relate. I’m single too. 

But it’s really nasty to see people attack Nick over this. Don’t shame people over their relationship status. Relationships aren’t easy.

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    • Attack is what shouldn't be happening, especially when it comes to personal matters. What a person does or doesn't do in their personal life is no one else's business - except, of course, when it comes to harming others - you know, like pedophiles & such. I don't need to know if Fuentes has or has not been with a woman or a man - none of my concern.

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