Imagine a doctor standing at a patient’s bedside.  The patient is deathly ill, and will likely die without the aid of that life-support device resting by his bed. 

“Thank God for these devices, and thank God we don’t have any supply issues in getting large quantities of them,” the doctor thinks to himself.  He leans over to administer the life-saving treatment but then pauses.  “Wait a minute… is this Joe Smith?  The same Joe Smith who called me a dirtbag at the country club last month and argued with me about mask mandates in our kids’ school?”

Now, the question.  If the doctor wheels the life-saving device out of the room while citing the fact that someone else might need the device in some other hospital at some unknown time in the future, would that be murder?

If the answer to that question is yes, then it is nowhere near approaching hyperbole to suggest that the Biden administration is murdering its opponents by rationing life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments and specifically withholding them from red states due to an apparent grudge.