Voter Registration Lists

Constantly, people ask me, what is the Republican Party doing? Sadly, outside of supporting candidates, I have no response & this troubles me.

I hereby issue a challenge to the Republican Executive Committees in the 67 counties of Florida. Whatever it is you’re doing, take the time to assure Floridians have clean Voter Registration Lists. Work with the Supervisor of Elections & assure this effort is a priority. Get rid of all those dead people, people who have moved, people who cannot be verified as voting Floridians. If we don’t do this, all other efforts are in vain.

Floridians need to know that each vote cast is valid & that our elections are a model for the country. We rely on the Republican Party to be unified in this effort & we don’t want to hear our elections are safe & accurate. Personally, I have come across very disturbing information that this is not true, to the point that is not a matter of debate.

We have serious problems in our election process & I challenge any official to come forward to prove me wrong. Cleaning these lists should offend no one, it doesn’t matter what party you support, this is an effort to assure fairness in our elections to all Floridians.

This responsibility falls upon the Republican Party, it also falls upon each & every Floridian to contact their local party office & assure this is a priority, we need to get this done & we need it done NOW. Although this message is to Floridians, every county in every state in America should be doing this & it is your responsibility as an American to assure this happens.

So, don’t ask me what we can do, THIS is what we NEED to do, each and every one of us, be an active American, show them Patriots are standing up & demanding they resolve this problem once & for all.

We have 2022 Patriots on an email list who get writings directly avoiding social media, if you want to be added send an email to: Let me know if you are from Florida, you will be added to a local list as well as a national one.

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriot

Free State of Florida

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