The Vote!!

Considering Stormy Daniels never testified on anything connected to the charges in this case why did they call her? At this point they realize this case is over, too many critical legal protections were violated. They know if not there, a higher court is going to dismiss this case somewhere along the legal avenues.


The intent of this case is not to convict but to attack Trump’s character. It’s free publicity of a story including a past President & a **** star. It is important to note Stormy owes Trump half a million $ because she lost a defamation case against him (says she won’t pay). He was innocent, she was not, according to the legal ruling of a Court. Also important to note Stormy has done well for herself $ rolling in from numerous sources. It's a useful *** scandal, true or not, it doesn’t matter it’s there to create interest in the public & of course, *** always does that. I wonder if Trump will object to Cohen taking the oath on Monday, the whole truth & nothing but the Truth, numerous times has he been found guilty of lying in Court & Congress?


No arms to Israel? Congress passes aid & a President refuses to release it. The Congressional voice of WeThePeople (Dems & Reps united) is ignored, there is so much wrong/dangerous with that I can’t begin to express it. Our only ally in the Middle East fighting for their survival as a people. Facts show this govt has given more $ to Iran than Israel. America is in serious trouble from her govt.


Where is NATO in this Middle East thing? I would expect to see NATO troops providing care & safety to those left homeless by this war, I see nothing, & don’t even hear talk of it. I see Palestinian protests across America but no one asking NATO to help. I hear a lot of stop the war, the reality is only if Hamas unconditionally surrenders (like Germany & Japan did) can that happen. Either that or they are eliminated by military force, either action would Free the Palestinian people & provide safety for Israel. A reality no one talks about except some people on conservative media.


I see Trump rallies are expanding, they were mostly in red areas, which is great however recently, they began entering blue areas, which is necessary. I believe Trump realizes he must not only reach out to his base, but he must also reach out to Democrat areas & he’s right.


This is an issues-based campaign that reaches across political divides. Dems are paying the same price for a loaf of bread that you are. They also see what is going on around them & they are not comfortable. There is Common Sense in those blue areas & that is what Trump is reaching out to.


All the legal cases against Trump are falling apart, now the document case has the FBI tampering with evidence. Three cases have been postponed due to legal problems for the govt. More people are realizing these cases are not about the pursuit of justice, they are about attacking a political opponent prior to an election & people are not comfortable with that just like they are not comfortable with everything going on in America.


They made a mistake forcing Trump's presence every day in the NY court. That allowed him to step outside the Court doors every day & talk with the American people (although they gagged him), now it’s turning into a movement of blue people. Trump knows it’s all about the number of votes, massive voting will curtail illegal voting. There is only one question before the voters, are you better off today than you were under Trump? History will be made in Nov when WeThePeople take back our govt.


The Dems plan for unrest & division in America has backfired on them. The very people they have supported financially on college campuses have turned on them & are now attacking them. Their media is now forced to address factual concerns & support for Dems is fracturing. When we see people from the historically strong Dem area of Harlem NY in the streets chanting 4 more years for Trump, they know they are in serious trouble. A lie can only survive for so long until truth eats away at it & it becomes exposed, all this is happening to the Dems & they are in a panic trying to get control of it.


We see many bad things happening in America but be aware, that many people across America are doing good things to support America. Communication is critical, we all must communicate with everyone we know to make sure they understand what is going on in America. That is our duty as American Patriots, that responsibility is upon us to continue what our Founders started in the quest for a ‘more perfect union.’ Be mindful, that the tool they gave us to accomplish that is the power of the Vote.


Stories on the Thinking Zone:


Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida

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