REELTalk TONIGHT @ 8PM ET - Senior Reporter & Chief European Correspondent for CBN News, DALE HURD will be here! PLUS, author of Mao’s America, XI VAN FLEET will be here! AND, bestselling author of Beyond Treason, LTG THOMAS McINERNEY, will be here! PLUS, bestselling author of A Few Bad Men, Major FRED GALVIN will be here! #CBNNews #MaosAmerica #BeyondTreason #AFewBadMen #CCNS #BetrayalandTreasoninAmerica #Islam #Communism #Oct7 #AntiSemitism #CCP #Marxism #Communism #BorderCrisis #Israel #FreeSpeech #MedicalFreedom #DoNotComply #Mr_P #reeltalkradio #VeteransMatter #NoMandates #StopChildTrafficking #PayByCash #BryanDuncan #NutshellSermons #HooksOfHope