Welcome to Operation Intruder.
If you haven't already, read the pastebin document: https://pastebin.com/xRDY97cS
Then, to contribute, spread images with the hashtag, the phrase 'Operation Intruder' and the sigils across social media. Make your own, or repost the ones you find here.
If you would like this page to distribute images, videos, pastebins or other files you have made, share them on the following thread and we will add them to the queue:
dont forget to use TOR BROWSER for all links ending in (onion) like the one above :
Some of the most creative and regular makers of Operation Intruder content have been (and will be) made editors, so they can schedule posts in the name of this page themselves. This means this page is not in the hands of one individual but a variety of anonymous agents from around the world, many of whom have never met in terrestrial meatspace. Although maybe our operating tables in the mothership were adjacent. Possibly... 📷