Ok I’m Confused


I get it, forces are attempting to gain total control of this country & it’s the Duty & Responsibility of Americans to do that which is necessary to ensure that doesn’t happen & many are.

I see our Duty as communicating with everyone we can to assure Americans understand events in America. We need to show them the threat to America, to get their attention, to get them thinking.

I’m a lil confused about what the other side hopes to accomplish by creating violent unrest in our institutes of ‘Learning’ I’m thinking most feel this is bad, not good. Somehow, I see this as good for America, it helps us. If we need people to understand something isn’t right in America, the others have just made that effort a lot easier for us. I wonder how many people who were not really sure, are now very sure something is wrong in America. This chaos is exactly what people need to see, hear, & think about. Then think about their lives today compared to 4 years ago. Dare I go to wondering if there is not a higher force at work here guiding the American People? Who said let there be light & I shall see?

American History has many events during the American Revolution where it seemed a higher force was at work moving the Subjects of the King to declare Liberties which resulted in the defeat of the most powerful military during its time, & the creation of America & our Liberties which were granted by ‘a higher force,’

A friend sent this video & after watching it I couldn’t help thinking of that higher force at work here guiding the American People, it feels like ‘That’s The Way’:  https://ak2.rmbl.ws/s8/2/i/7/O/Z/i7OZq.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf

They fail to realize attacking American values, defacing a statue of George Washington with a Palestine flag & a head scarf is repulsive to the vast majority of Americans. That’s enuff, gotta get back to ‘regular life’ stuff. Remember everything they do exposes themselves & people are watching, I’m sure of that. Maybe it's me but I feel this American Spirit across America. November cannot come fast enough.

Stories on the Thinking Zone: https://fdlovell.wixsite.com/the-thinking-zone/home


Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida