March, 10 of 2023 - We the People from Brazil are SUFFERING because of 4000 STUPID PEOPLE that is equivalent size of public that goes into a informal Soccer's play in a little camp that exist majority Cites of Brazil have THAT WAS DOWEL'S CANNON FROM NWO played into a TRAP OF "ESPLANADA'S INVASION" that was a MSM'S COUP too because they were manipulated,induced and DECEIVED by Evil Fake Right Wing of Carla Zambeli & CIA that accuse without any true valid proofs so unfair using the same EVIL weapon of smear/defamation from Satanist Leftists Terrorists do with their enemies until destroy their enemies accusing THE REAL PATRIOTS OF BRAZIL OF "CONSPIRATORS, PUBLIC ENEMIES NUMBER 1, SCAMMERS AND COUP'S PLANNERS" THE TRUE DISARMED COURAGEOUS HEROES THAT GOES AND EVEN MAKE THEIR CAMPS IN THE DOORS OF BRAZILIAN ARMY'S HQs.

March, 08 of 2023 - Suspect Videos from January, 08 of 2023 and new information about it!

08/03/2023 - Vídeos SUSPEITOS do dia 08 e novas informações! -- Durval Ferreira Oficial