June, 01 of 2024 - This today in 2024 mainly since 2016 doesn't meaning much thing in Western World even in EUROPE OR EVEN G7 because:

Hard is clean judiciary branch including of USA that still giving many unconstitutional and illegal decisions supporting the deployment of this nefarious Totalitarian dictatorship...

With many Judiciary branch and even Supreme Courts including SCOTUS in the hands of Satanists...

It's hard fight against this...

See last blatant unconstitutional decisions of majoriy of Judges from SCOTUS that is under control of satanist traitors:

You gonna understand that even elect honest people of good will to these elective offices is not sufficient to stop this totalitarianism...

The problem is Deep State (Burocracy) , in institutions of Governments / three branch of Republics like Judiciary in USA.

FIDEL CASTRO AND HUGO CHAVES TEACHING TO THESE SATANISTS FROM LEFT THAT DOMINATING JUDICIARY BRANCH mainly Supreme Courts (this is the case of Brazil since 2019) and USA you dominate entire countries and its people.

Elector: Peace in elections only with vote's paper proof and public count of votes - Alexandre Garcia

Eleitor: Sossego em Eleições só com comprovante do voto e apuração pública.

Font: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CugpXFw1oUU