July, 15 of 2024 - "Water and Oil don't mixed in the same way that Evil don't mixed with Good like Light don't mixed with Darkness like God don't mixed with devil because of that Christians can't united with Satanists."

Christians can't accepted this HOAX of "Unity" and "Union" because this is the same that accepted be a SLAVE of Totalitarians Satanists.

The "Union" and "Unity" that Dictatorial Tyrannical Totalitarians speak and using without a single drop of shame when some grave event real or false fabricates like Plandemic, Covid-Hoax or this supposedly the "Terrorist Attack to assassinate Trump" by Satanists is the "union" between people accept be kept in Submission and Conformity, accept be keeping be ENSLAVED, ROBBED, POISONED,CENSORED,

CONTROLLED,OPPRESSED AND MURDERED by this minority of 1% that is the elite that becomes Satanic, Tyrant, Authoritarian, Criminal, Totalitarian, Enslaver, Genocide, Infanticide and Terrorist.

There Is No Unity With Evil - Andrew Torba
