This is a column for someone who wants to enter the world of ideas but doesn’t know where to start. Recently I’ve received emails from readers, young people in particular, who have read my book or heard me on a podcast and want to learn more about the personalities and principles behind the American Right and conservative movement. They want to know how past intellectuals studied, wrote, argued, and worked.

Young people have many ways to engage in politics and debate — there is social media, of course, as well as newsletters and audio and video interviews — but not as many ways to acquire the historical and intellectual background that informs our politics and frames our debates. And though I have recommended books before, a reading list isn’t enough. Here are a few other lifehacks and resources that I rely on. They may help you too.

Hug a Generalist

Don’t Skip the Notes

Explore the Archives

Keep a Commonplace Book

Seek Opportunity