#MyServant #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt116 on Battle Lines @WarnRadio
My Servant brings us into the midst of the servants of the #Lord. Here we find the issue involves Cyrus and his call to destroy Babylon and release #Judah from Captivity. Yet the description herein fit the #Messiah which was to come and now is fulfilled in #Yeshua, #JesusChrist. The Messiach to come, My Servant says the Lord, "in whom my soul delighteth." Above all this there is a #servantofGod [Cyrus for deliverance from Babylon] but [Jesus, Yeshua #prophetically is addressed here in the future], #Hiselect, who will appear in humility and without pretension, but who shall not fail nor be discouraged, till He have set #judgment in the earth; and the isles of the #Gentiles shall receive His law. It is also cast here into the mix against the backdrop of Judah from where Yeshua springs from. The #hope and #promises are all fed through Judah who is now in captivity, but Cyrus will come as Gods #anointed to bring the Jews out of captivity and back into the land.
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