👀✨ Do not miss this Post World Gospel News Persecuted Church Classic Warn Radio
#World #GospelNews- The rank excitement for murder and mayhem seems to have no ending in sight. Yet the #WORD says that unless the days are shortened, no flesh would be saved. Here, #perilousness and #TheEvil constitute a threat to living. Just as we report and have seen in the past. The mandate to #murder, kill, and cause #mayhem are inherent to these days. Yet in #America, many live unto themselves. They live in a world of selfies, #hedonism, and anything goes. Yet in the real-world people die for their #faith, for their #beliefs, and on that list are #Christians. This latest #Classic #WarnRadio features one of our premier shows.
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#jesuschrist #holyspirit #christianity #prayer #jesussaves #salvation #jesuslovesyou #Yeshuahamassiach #jesusislord #Redeemed #Chosen #spiritualwarfare #yeshua #repent #jesusistheway