👀✨ Do not miss this Post the Book Pt20 on Battle Lines


Isaiah’s pt20 now continues with the on . It is today, as it was then. do not #fear the #Lord. That is, until it is too late. Again and however; if those people find the Lord and repent, this changes it. While the #dayoftheLord comes shaking the heavens and the #earth, it will certainly awaken you.

-the-Heavens #House-of-Jacob #Christian-Faith, #JesusChrist #Yeshua

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#holyspirit #christianity #Redeemed #Chosen #yeshua #repent #salvation #jesuschrist #jesussaves #jesuslovesyou #jesusislord #Yeshuahamassiach #jesusistheway #spiritualwarfare #prayerÂ