• Stop with this show of Arrogance in Name of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!

    Because of Arrogance they even change the name of enemy of God,Freedom & Human Life that is Socialism,Communism and Nazi-Fascism to "Globalists" like Olavo de Carvalho says before his death only not to admit that they are the same old enemy that they don't defeated in the end of Soviet Union/Cold War.

    Not only Alex Jones that are sometimes behave with this Arrogance including ex-Pr Trump not with conviction and many influential people that says they are Conservators,Christian & Right Wing.

    It's this way that Evil Dark Spirit of AntiCrist entered in the hearts in many people from Elite of Western World.

    It's because of this Arrogance that God hates that lives of 90% of People/Humanity specially in Japan & Western World are starting becomes a Hell.

    Watch: Alex Jones Predicts Open Borders, Cashless Society, Intentional Release of Pathogens with Startling Accuracy

    Jones has been trying to warn you of the New World Order's global takeover for over 20 years.

    ➤ Infowars - https://ift.tt/bPJhsCd