Your Timeline

Does ANYONE has the slightest idea of what this statue ... represent ... and of WHO?

If you do ... then ... do you know its meaning ... ?

If you do ... then ... you are ... Enlightened ...

If you don't ... do you want to KNOW ...?

But ... be very careful before replying ... as this information is ... "Scary" ... and will make your hair ... "Stand up on End" ... and ... "Goose Bumps" ...

Does ANYONE has the slightest idea of what this statue ... represent ... and of WHO?

If you do ... then ... do you know its meaning ... ?

If you do ... then ... you are ... Enlightened ...

If you don't ... do you want to KNOW ...?

But ... be very careful before replying ... as this information is ... "Scary" ... and will make your hair ... "Stand up on End" ... and ... "Goose Bumps" ...

Be AWARE and be WARE of the danger we are ALL facing … NOT ONLY IN AMERICA … BUT WORLDWIDE …

They FAILED their target to vaccinate EVERY SINGLE PERSON WORLDWIDE … they fired nurses … doctors … teachers … and ALL those who refused to be vaccinated … that is why there is a HUGE shortage of professionals WORLDWIDE … their vaccines proved to be “POISONEOUS” … millions of people have been injured … other millions died from their vaccines … people protested for their ILLEGAL and INHUMAN lockdowns … the TRUTH is now widespread and even those who “Believed” in their governments began now asking questions and even refused to take a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th poison …

Even the “Swap” … has been proven to be a … “Transmitter” … that goes hand in hand with the vaccines … that is why they were forcing everyone to be tested for a virus that “didn’t exist” in the first place …

BUT … did they gave up?

Certainly MOT …

As usual … a STAP in the BACK … UNAWARE of the danger … hidden in PLAIN SIGHT … they are preparing their next step … people will be getting whatever content of the vaccines … it will be administered to people … vaccinated or not through … “MEAT” …

People around the world should be aware of the coming danger in the form of “food” …

This should be researched and should be shared … shared … shared … everywhere … to and with everyone and anyone YOU know …

It is the responsibility of all the … “AWAKEN” … whether you are in America … Europe … Asia … Africa … Australia … or anywhere else … to make it known to everyone …

Here is how they want to vaccinate the stubborn … the UNVACCINATED … in order to murder millions … if not billions … to reduce the world population …

“Toxic Stew: Big Pharma Seeks To Inject Livestock With mRNA ‘Vaccines’”

changed a profile picture
changed a profile cover

No surprise there ...

"“Unexplained Deaths” Becoming #1 Cause of Death in 2022 in Canada, Australia, and Europe – Deaths Among Children and Young People Explode in Europe"

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Once again ... "Sudden Death" ... Cause: "Unknown"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Second ABC News Producer Dies Suddenly"

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At least one politician in Australia speaks out ...

Or ... Is it because he knew the real conspiracy has been ... UNCOVERED ...? Who knows really.

"Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs."

"The fact nobody in the chamber had even read the report (despite endorsing it) proves politicians are the ultimate misinformation spreaders."


This is not only "outrageous" ... But "EVIL" itself.

Why the world still accept such "Inhumanity" ... "Discrimination" ...

This MUST stop ... By "FORCE" ... as Peaceful protests do ... Just NOTHING to change and RECOVER our "Human Rights" to live ... But to Live "Decently".

The time for Peaceful protests is long gone ...

The time to enforce the WILL of the WORLD people is ... NOW.

"Hospital refuses to perform kidney transplant on 9-year-old boy because his father is unvaccinated"