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Feb 21, 2025 - Parler are back and they let me reclaim my old account today but the address of that old my account changes to:

21/02/2025 - Parler está de volta online e eles deixaram eu reclamar a minha conta que eu abri lá hoje mas o endereço da conta mudou para:

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Feb 21, 2025 - Making Turism is all these worms so mercenary and opportunist that became like these SCUM THAT USE NICKNAME OF "JACARE DE TANGA" A EVIL PEOPLE FROM BRAZIL...

What these SCUM of WORMS wants is become Billionaire and very famous becoming IDOLS and living a life of Baron, Duke and Earl in the cost of suffering without end that gradually since 2020 is worsening of biggest majority of almost 90% from Brazilian population. These evil people that these kind of Influencer is still deceive many stupid people giving their money to these social alpinists and bandits that even because of their extreme greed without limits, narcissism, vain, arrogance, hubris and their inflated ego that is why Antichrist spirit enters in these people because that they opened the wrong doors. They living of lies, disinformation and all grave problems that GREED Totalitarians is keeping fabricate because their insatiable appetite for power and money has no limits. These SCUM pretends that they are fight against Totalitarians but they becomes like Tyrants. Sad.

They only copy , paste and opined about all that "MSM" published without check information from "MSM" because they no have conditions to check absolutely nothing I.E they don't have primary font of news.

Feb 21, 2025 - Jacare de Tanga on CPAC in USA

Jacaré de Tanga no evento da CPAC USA @ElonMusk-FanZone


Por O Jacaré de Tanga

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21/02/2025 - As notícias sobre isso que eu li agora inclusive no Reclaim The Net está cheia de ambiguidade e de incoerências ou seja é mais uma peça de desinformação fabricada provavelmente pela Imprensalha. E VOCES ACREDITAM AINDA NOS JORNALOES, "IMPRENSA" E NA "MIDIA" TIDA COMO "PROFISSIONAL"? SÓ OS IDIOTAS ACREDITAM NO QUE ELES PUBLICAM.

Muitos websites que se dizem ser da Direita Falsa ou até mesmo Independentes vivem mentindo porque a maioria da informação sobre muitas coisas todas graves e sérias são cópia de tudo o que a Imprensalha fábrica que eles copiam e colam no site deles sem fazer nenhum tipo de checagem.

Para mim estes tipos de informações somente serve para manter os Britânicos sendo cada vez mais escravizados até no nível mental de milhões de inocentes adoecendo e torturando psicologicamente com ansiedade, pavor, depressão profunda e até induzindo pessoas inocentes a cometer SUICÍDIO de modo induzido e forçado não somente os milhões de pessoas da Inglaterra mas em muitas pessoas comuns do Japão, Coréia do Sul e de todo o Ocidente. Parem de cair nesta massiva Operação de Manipulação Psicologica dos Satanistas (PSYOPS).

É tão óbvio no que estes Websites incluindo o do Infowars que eram Independentes mas tem se tornado não Independentes desde 2016 gradualmente pois começaram a se tornar tão GANANCIOSOS E SEDENTOS PELO DINHEIRO E PELO PODER assim sendo se tornaram mercenários e oportunistas alpinistas sociais como os Satanistas da Esquerdalha e da Falsa Direita totalitários terroristas que eles dizem que combatem. Eles se tornaram o que os Satanistas são e não querem ver 90% dos problemas graves e desgraças que foram criados e impostos para cima do povo desde 2016 aos poucos pelos Totalitários Satanistas que são tão maus e tiranos sendo resolvido pelo próprio povo pois estão LUCRANDO horrores com estas desgraças.

A maioria destes tão chamados de mídia Independente se tornaram hipócritas e uma Falsa Maligna Mídia Independente que é cheia de Ganância e que agem como a Imprensalha. Eles vivem e sobrevivem de más notícias, mentiras e desinformação também. Gradualmente eles começaram a agir como os Satanistas só para obter os seus Milhões de Dólares somente para satisfazer a sua ganância desenfreada nas custas da população.

Feb 21, 2025:

Da para confiar na Apple sabendo que os servidores desta empresa foram colocados na China Comunista desde 2018 se não me falha a memória ou seja num país onde a privacidade só existe para os Comunistas da Elite Satanista que escraviza o povo chinês desde 1949?

21/02/2025 - Apple retira as Proteções de Privacidade dos Cidadaos Britânicos na Inglaterra que se tornou o primeiro pais a exigir a destruição total da privacidade dos Britânicos que usam os produtos da Apple depois dos Totalitários que tomaram o Governo exigiram que uma porta dos fundos fosse feita pela empresa cuja sede é na China Comunista ou a maioria dos servidores está na China para VIGIAR TOTALMENTE OS cidadãos Britânicos.

Apple Pulls Privacy Protections For UK Citizens After The UK Is the First Country to Demand a Backdoor Into Your Private Data - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet

21/02/2025 - Turismo é o que estes vermes mercenários e oportunistas que se tornaram gente como este tal de Jacaré de Tanga...

O que querem mesmo é ser Bilionarios e famosos virando ídolos e ficar vivendo uma vida de marajá nas custas do sofrimento do resto da população enganando muitos trouxas que ainda continuam dando dinheiro para estes bandidos que até por causa da sua ganância desenfreada, narcisismo, arrogância, soberba e egolatria extrema pois o espírito do anticristo entra neles por causa que eles abriram as portas erradas. Eles vivem tbem de mentiras, desinformação e dos problemas que os Satanistas continuam criando pois são cheios de ganância sem fim e sede pelo poder como os Satanistas que eles fingem combater. Triste.

E só ficam copiando, colando e opinando sobre tudo o que a Imprensalha-Midia-Merdia-Maquina-de-Propaganda-Mentira-Desinformacao-Dos-Totalitarios pública sem checar pois não tem os meios e condições para checar absolutamente nada ou seja eles não tem acesso a fonte primária de informação

Jacaré de Tanga no evento da CPAC USA @ElonMusk-FanZone


Por O Jacaré de Tanga

21/02/2025 - A Big Tech é tão má e hipócrita quanto os Satanistas que eles fingem combater sempre para ganhar mais e mais dinheiro de forma imoral e bandida. A Big Tech adora censurar, espionar, vigiar, escravizar e controlar os povos do mundo inteiro pois tbem são farinha do mesmo saco que são os Totalitários que eles fingem combater. Um Show do Engano feito pela Elite Satanista cujo objetivo é continuar reduzindo, matando e escravizando o povo cada vez mais e tudo isso é por culpa do Obama, TRUMP e do Biden que entregaram e deixaram a ICANN (Coluna e Espinha Dorsal da Web) nas mãos da ONU (LEIA-SE CHINA E RUSSIA COMUNISTA) desde Outubro de 2016. A Big Tech foi a favor da entrega da ICANN para a ONU , isso já demonstra quem é, qual são os objetivos e o que querem de verdade a tal da Big Tech.

Quando os idiotas como o dono deste canal cujo nome é ridículo e infantil que ninguém leva a sério irão acordar? Quando meu Deus?

Como Trump e Big Techs se Unem Contra Regulações Globais


Por O Jacaré de Tanga

Feb 21, 2025 - The news about this that I read now even in Reclaim The Net are full of ambiguous information that is Disinformation fabricated probably by MSM. DO YOU STILL BELIEVE IN MSM? ONLY A FOOL STILL BELIEVES IN MSM.

Many outlets who says that they are Independent are lying because majority of information even about these serious and grave things are copy of information that MSM produces that they paste without check in their websites.

For me this kind of information only serves to keeping Brits being enslaved even more and enslave even the minds of innocent people who are getting sick with serious psychological grave diseases like deep depression forcing innocent people committed even suicide not only from UK the Brits but every single common people of Japan, South Korea and all West. Stop fall into satanists PSYOPS.

It's obvious that these outlets so "Independent" but they are so greed like Satanists that they pretend that they are combating and becomes so opportunists and mercenaries don't wants to see 90% of all problems gradually since 2016 created by Totalitarians that are so Tyrants be solved by People because they are big making profits with these problems.

The majority of these so called and become hypocrites and a evil fake "Independent" Media full of Greed acts like MSM. They live of bad news , lies or even disinformation too. Gradually they begin to act like Satanists only to get their millions of dollars only to satisfy their greed in our backs.

Many forget that Apple & their servers goes to Communist China since 2018 in a country that Chinese People don't have privacy and only Satanical Elite of PCC have privacy.

Feb 21, 2025:

Apple Pulls Privacy Protections For UK Citizens After The UK Is the First Country to Demand a Backdoor Into Your Private Data - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet


Feb 20, 2025 - Egoist Bolsonaro doesn't care about innocent jailed people of J8. He thinks only to protect, save and free his family.

Bolsonaro não está nem aí com os presos do 8 de Janeiro. Ele só pensa em si e na família dele. — José Marcio Opinião 2:18

Feb 20, 2025 - Stole a Car is not a crime, but stole a Plane is a crime. Is like that the SCUM thinks. A diabolical thought.

Roubar uma Kombi não é crime, mas roubar um avião é crime. É assim que os estrupícios pensam. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 5:28

Feb 20, 2025 - Bolsonaro calls jailed people of January, 08 of "Clowns of the court".

Bolsonaro chamou os presos do 8 de Janeiro de "Bobos da Corte". — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 5:38

Feb 20, 2025 - God The True Big Judge of Judges are only making Justice even by distorted lines.

It's seems a madness to fanatics, idolatrous, opportunists and mercenaries.

Understand why:

All that were accomplices of grave crimes, yes-man and even who is still protect who that they shouldn't protect since 2020 are paying a very high heavy price for their mistakes and is still ALIENATED BRAZILIAN PEOPLE with their fallacious lies inducting people crying for help of who is not gonna help, SAVE AND FREE Brazilian People from this Totalitarian Dictatorship.

This is the heavy price that Bolsonaro and all people that were accomplices of his grave crimes that is considered CRIMES AGAINST MANKIND by Bill 13.979 from March of 2020 that was the begin of deployment of Totalitarianism in Brazil by Hoax-Covid, Scandemic, Pandemic, Masks, Lockdowns and Poison of Trump Shots ("VAXX" OF COVID-HOAX mRNA). In March of 2020 a Unconstitutional and Illegal Bill 13.979 that born inside own Bolsonaro Administration copied by W.H.O Directives that passed so fast in National Congress without any discussions with Brazilian People with OK from Brazil's Supreme Court and were sign by Former President Bolsonaro. Brazil before March of 2020 was in grave phase of Authoritarian Dictatorship.

More shock is that other accomplices of all crimes against mankind that Satanists are making until now in February of 2025 by Bill 13.979 that is used against even Babies in a continued Infanticide since April of 2024. This is one of terrible consequences of Tyrannical Bill 13.979 that many Evangelical Church Leaders is accomplices that weren't true Christians and Prophets of God like King David's Prophet Nathan that were accomplish of stupid wrong decisions and big treasons committed against God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, Family, Freedom, Country, Privacy, Anonymity and against Brazilian People that Bolsonaro deceives using the Saint Sacred things of God and from Christianity playing to be Serve of Almighty God and playing to be Christian demoralized God and Christianism in Brazil making blatant terrible spiritual treason that don't have courage and honest to hard reprimand Bolsonaro when they should reprimanded and trying to correct in acceptable time Bolsonaro and his family because of Bolsonaro's grave crimes and big mistakes, bad choices that he made and wrong ports that were opened by Bolsonaro and the MILLIONS OF LIES THAT HE NEVER STOP TO SAY NOT ONLY TO BRAZILIANS BUT TO ALL HUMANITY that since 2020 they are paying a heavy high price by their bad choices.

Feb 20, 2025 - Bolsonaro is a TRAITOR from Left. Let's REPEAT: BOLSONARO IS A TRAITOR.

20/02/2025 - Bolsonaro é um traidor da esquerda. Vamos repetir. Bolsonaro é um traidor. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 6:33

Feb 20, 2025 -Bolsonaro and his entire family are placebo of Right Wing (Fake Conservatives like RINOS), they do all that Satanists from Totalitarian Evil Radical Left wants since 2019.?

20/02/2025 - Bolsonaro e toda a sua família são placebos da direita, fazem tudo o que a esquerda quer. — José Marcio Opinião 6:33

Feb 18, 2025 - Sadly by the evil things Satanists keeping impose in USA against the will of amazing big majority of American People it's seems that this terrible situation very well informed that are know how to make a accurate observation and is described by a simple user of Internet/Social Media:

Jan 23, 2025 - Paladin:


We are reviving a politic REPLAY or Déjà Vu of Trump's First Failed Administration: A avalanche of Executive Orders played with sensationalism, exaggeration and even with omission of Sad Truth to give a impression of Trump's Absolute Power that Trump don't have in his hands like a Kings like David from Ancient Times, Feudal Kings from Middle Dark Ages even like a King Louis XIV, like these changes were a historical and definitive changes.

What's really going on? Trump's supporters applaud in stand position, imerse into a perverse illusion that Trump is a independent governant challenge the system acting alone.

But this is only the appeances or the mask. Behind of what people can see , behind of curtains in backstage, the old evil mechanism is keeping working against humanity and against God, country, family, freedom, privacy, anonymity, human dignity, capitalism and what drop that still rests of American Way of Life and West Civilization based in Christian values.

Feb 17, 2025 - Well I am so tired to offer and repeating many times the only solution to Americans have to Free and Save their lives destroying this Plantation (Dictatorship) of Satanists that USA have becoming since 2001...

Sadly but it's seems each time more that this second Trump's administration is a REPLAY of horrible show that not only Americans watch between 2016 - 2020 happened in USA...

I am so tired to repeat that this Trump's Administration is seems like of Terrible and Failed Bolsonaro's administration of Brazil from 2018 - 2022 with GRAVE RESULTS TO BRAZILIAN PEOPLE...

Even in USA Americans don't have the political solution to destroy this dictatorship since 2021... Trump is one of responsible for this Totalitarian hell that don't stop being deploying by "Politicians" and "Judges" in Federal, State and Local levels of Government.

Don't have other way to destroy this dictatorship... Sadly logically don't have other way Americans.

Stop be so coward American People that are keeping hide behind many lies and fallacies that USA can be a Free Country again by political solution.

Don't fall in this serious fallacy like Brazilians fallen since 2013...WAKE UP


BUSTED: Judge Who Moved to Block Trump’s USAID Funding Freeze Chaired Non-Profit That Got $128 Million From US Gov

Feb 17, 2025 - Is this a hoax and a show of deceive from few Judges of low levels from US Justice System only to Traitors that taken Judiciary System and even SCOTUS only to hide the terrible fact that USA is become gradually a Country that is NOT FREE , A DICTATORSHIP since 2001 keeping a disguise of Fake "Free Country" like Brazil's Satanist Left dictatorial government and Judiciary system and even Brazil's Supreme Court all taken by Totalitarians from Radical Left of Communist-Nazi-Fascist since 1985 until 2019 do to hide that Brazil is a Dictatorship since 1985 or this a thing of few Judges in America's courts is still real Judges who trying deliver real Justice to American People respect US Constitution and Bill of Rights without making UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND ILLEGAL REINTERPRETATIONS OF US CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS in their verdicts when Bills are contested in Justice System by Americans that are seriously very worry about their Freedom, Privacy, Anonymity, Rights and even with their lives since 2016?

Feb 12, 2025 - Judge Blocks Texas Online Digital ID Law, Citing Constitutional Concerns - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet

Feb 17, 2025 - And these same bad, sad, terrible, evil that is so BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, ILLEGAL, Authoritarian, Totalitarian, Dictatorial a pure Tyranny that is the situation in USA is keep being pushing and imposed not only in Federal level but even in State and Local level (Case of many States such Florida and Texas among many others) of government since 2021 by Satanists and their cohorts:

Connecticut, Nebraska, Utah Push Social Media Digital ID Laws - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet

Feb 07, 2025 - Why these Terrorists, Criminals and Traitors disguised into "Politicians" don't stop to introduciny these blatant Unconstitutional and Illegal Bills even in USA? Guess why? Because they have support of Judiciary and SCOTUS taken by Traitors, Criminals, Terrorists that are Tyrants to keep deploying and increasing CENSORSHIP, SURVEILLANCE,ENSLAVEMENT,DEATH AND TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP full of Antichrist Ideology in gradual way destroying Freedom, Privacy, Security and Anonymity of American People. Is with these Evil and Criminal people from this "Big Center" that exist in US Congress and Senate that Trump made business to retun to WH in a suspect way. History showed to us that when Tyrants taken or usurp power they don't exit from power in pacific way. It's seems that Deep State still are in power in USA sadly.

The situation of EUA, Trump and American people are becoming gradually more similar with Bolsonaro, Brazil and Brazilian People between 2018 - 2022.

Slippery Slope: New Bill Pushes ISPs to Block Pirate Sites - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet

US Senators Reintroduce Kids Off Social Media Act (KOSMA) to Limit Kids’ Access - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet

Senator Josh Hawley Proposes AI Ban Targeting China’s DeepSeek, Threatens Jail Time and Fines - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet

Connecticut, Nebraska, Utah Push Social Media Digital ID Laws - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet