Chris Cassone

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Let's get this some play, especially down Palm Beach way. Video following soon.

"Laura Loomer"

             Laura Loomer

If you’re tired of the lies of the left, it’s time to listen

Cos wherever they gather around, there’s pure division

But there’s one tough cookie who can roll up her sleeves

She’s already proven it by what she believes.

She’ll take on Pelosi, and the puppets around Chuck  Schumer

It’s Laura Loomer


She’s got the backing of our president, our chief commander

She’s the primary winner in his district even though Big Tech banned her

With no You Tube, Facebook and Twitter too

Depend upon her truth and the job she will do

This much I know,  you’ll get a straight shooter

Laura Loomer


            Don’t worry ‘bout what they say

            These soy boys with their sweet lattes

            We are depending on you on election day

             Laura Loomer


Florida Twenty-one, it’s now or never

Calling all voters to come out, join our endeavor

They call us the silent maj or ity

Now with Generation X and Y and Z

And don’t forget the folks who are a lot like me,  baby boomers

Vote for Laura Loomer


©2020 Cassongs Music/Chris Cassone

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New Rocker to bring out the vote for Laura Loomer. Video soon, hopefully by Mr. Pinko.
Laura Loomer 1.mp3

Laura Loomer      

If you’re tired of the lies of the left, it’s time to listen

Cos wherever they gather around, there’s pure division

But there’s one tough cookie who can roll up her sleeves

She’s already proven it by what she believes.

She’ll take on Pelosi, and the puppets around Chuck  Schumer

It’s Laura Loomer


She’s got the backing of our president, our chief commander

She’s the primary winner in his district even though Big Tech banned her

With no You Tube, Facebook and Twitter too

Depend upon her truth and the job she will do

This much I know,  you’ll get a straight shooter

Laura Loomer

            Don’t worry ‘bout what they say

            These soy boys with their sweet lattes

            We are depending on you on election day

             Laura Loomer

Florida Twenty-one, it’s now or never

Calling all voters to come out, join our endeavor

They call us the silent maj or ity

Now with Generation X and Y and Z

And don’t forget the folks who are a lot like me,  baby boomers

Vote for Laura Loomer


©2020 Cassongs Music/Chris Cassone

The amazing Home Free with Lee Greenwood and some killer service folks remaking “God Bless The USA” semi-a cappella. Possibly better than the original, perfect for tomorrow And all done on Zoom.

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My 2A Anthem with footage from CT's CCDL at Hartford Capitol steps and VA's CDL at Richmond

New Second Amendment ANTHEM music video with footage from rallies in VA and CT
ALL publishing royalties go to VA Citizens Defence League, CT CDL and the NRA
Remember, Andrew Breitbart said :"Politics is downstream of culture."

6.9 earthquake felt here (LA.) My wife and I both thought the other was shaking the bed

Am I reading this right? Is Comedy Channel playing the race card to guilt trip white voters to vote for their race baiter, Trevor Noah?

A great example of compelling videos on Brighteon. 

Just discovered Brighteon and would like feedback. Seems they are living in the same universe as Streetloc.  Watch this to see what one of their founders sounds like.

If you aren't reading Ace of Spades, you should give him a try. Common sense conservative with a great sense of humor. And his site is populated by clever sub-bloggers, each with their own focus (guns, food, books, and gardening are my favorites.) Check out His Wryness in the attached Doxxer Goes to Jail  piece.