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I see Patriots!


I see two aspects in our society’s future, those that are shocked & those that are mad. The shocked are those who believe ‘nothing like that could happen in America,’ ignored their environment, & never stood up to protect it. Then we have those who knew what was happening, history revealed the collapse of empires. They know the things that happened in those empires were happening in America, they see the destructive path of the American Way of Life.


While those who are in shock over their loss of liberties, control of their finances, or the amounts of taxes they pay to support a State govt that takes $ from working people & gives it to those not working. We are mad because you didn’t have the common sense to stand up & stop what was happening & now, we must endure the horrors of State govt control because

of your inattention to the life around you. Of course, we’re mad but it’s preventable.


If you don’t vote Republican in future elections, local, county, state, federal, all of them, we will lose this country. If the Majority of Americans vote Republican, Americans will prosper in their overall well-being. We need to Wake Up, to be aware of our environment, & to act rationally. We all need to contact in some manner those we know who just don’t get it, ask them how they feel about the path America is on, present them with facts concerning govt, etc. & allow them to Think. Tell them you are= trying to understand how some people feel America is ok while you feel it is in trouble. 


This election is quite simple with one question. When was your life better now or in the Trump years? That’s all you must consider, base your decision on factual history not assumptions, follow your logic not emotions. Don’t vote for a person, vote for govt policies. This isn’t about who you like, it’s about what policies you like. I could go on forever about govt policies but try to keep it simple, think about your cost of living & the millions of people who have crossed our borders illegally. That alone should be enough for you to make a logical voting decision.


Are you aware for the first time in American history the new generation will not do better than the generation before them? Every generation has always prospered more than their parents’ generation, the facts seem to indicate that will not happen in today’s America * the reason is govt policy.


For those who feel your vote doesn’t count & have given up on the system, it only doesn’t count if you don’t vote, not voting makes room for an illegal vote. I firmly believe in voting early, contact your local Supervisor of Elections, register to vote & for a mail-in ballot, vote & mail it. Later you can go online & check that your ballot was received, you have completed your duty as an American & your voice has been heard. If we all do that America will prosper. We can no longer play ‘catch up’ on voting day, we must take the lead & maintain it to the last vote is

counted. I see American Patriots standing up this year, I see a bright future for America.


Stories on the Thinking Zone:


Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida



For most, it is obvious ‘something’ is wrong in America. We can spend forever going over the details of ‘something’ or just accept that we know ‘something’ isn’t right with the goal of changing it. I am aware of the details of ‘something’ which all add up to the need to change our govt, we have no choice.


Our govt has turned on us & lies to us at every chance despite the facts, & the longer it goes on the more endangered are our Liberties & well-being. We can no longer Trust them or rely on them for our Safety. Our Founders are begging us to utilize the protections & avenues they created for us to resolve a dangerous time as today in America. 


Just saw a poll, Trump beats Biden by 5%, Haley beats Biden by 10%. Now some may say the Haley odds are better, I say when you add a Trust factor, Trump is the only choice, I’ll take my chances with the underdog who had won before. I just can’t trust a Republican who just won the DC primary against Trump, that should say it all about who supports Halley. Beware, any % poll involving Halley includes Democrats & Independents not just Republicans, they are very misleading. 


I now better understand the drug traffic. I constantly hear about the Mexican drug cartels, they are prospering. However, how often do you hear of the Chinese Triad? They have been around since the 1800’s engaging in corrupt politics, drugs, human trafficking, & murder. This ‘group’ has been doing this for centuries & has perfected the art of crime, they are the best at it. They are a critical part of the Chinese govt, they do its bidding & in return are free to do what they want. The Mexican cartels work for the Triad & the Triad pay off the Chinese Communist Party. China wants to destroy America & the Triad only cares about $ they both get what they want & they are dangerous to America. At least two sheriffs have done something about it in LA & Maine, although the state allows it, as do many others.


Not only do we have Chinese Bio Labs in America, along with Chinese police stations we now have Chinese massage spas & don’t forget the farmland land, etc. China has bought in America, or the existence of TikTok, the Chinese Communist Party is here to fulfill their long prophesied 100-year war to destroy America on their quest for World Domination. You may not believe this, but it has long been the goal of the Chinese Communist Party & now they have poured across our borders & no one knows who or where. The scary part is this fed govt knows about it & does nothing, not one word to the public, no investigations, no arrests by the fed govt.


For all the negative things I can say about Senator Mitch McConnell I have to admit he is responsible for the Supreme Court we have & that is critical, a 9-0 vote on a case is rare. They agree all Americans have the right to vote for the candidate of their choice & a state can’t interfere in that process, a huge win for America. America is in trouble & although a court can restrict attacks against her only her citizens can save her with the process of voting, the protection given us by our Founders.


Not only do we have the responsibility to vote, but we also have a responsibility to communicate with everyone we know about the dangers facing America. We are on the front line & if we choose to go about our lives & ignore what is happening, we go down the path of history & join the collapse of the Roman empire. That bright beacon of Freedom will be extinguished & the world will enter a very dark place leaving the world with the question, why didn’t Americans (along with the Romans) do something about it?


Our Founders spoke of the importance of citizens being active in their govt & the dangers of being inactive. They were not mere words but a prophecy facing America, we all have a duty to the country we live in, to ourselves & our neighbors. It is now time to stand up & do ‘something’. 


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Frank D. Lovell

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What do we do?


It seems Biden had issued an executive order to the Census Bureau to count all residents of a state including illegal immigrants in the census this year to decide how many House seats each state gets. This means the Democrats will be using the Census Bureau to utilize illegal immigrants to raise the number of political seats a state gets in Congress, another reason for the wide-open borders, to gain control of Congress. It also affects the Electoral College.


Recently we heard of a dire threat to America from Russia, everyone was in a panic hearing of this dire threat. I was a lil confused realizing every govt knows what the other is doing & what they are capable of, there are no secrets whether it be through spies or electronic surveillance. I was confused as to what this sudden dire threat could be. Then I wondered if the govt would do this to scare politicians into voting for the Ukraine aid bill. I heard how this info was drafted by the White House & given to Republicans for public release. Now it seems to be a threat to our satellites in space. It seems Trump was ahead of this in creating the official military addition called the ‘Space Force’ before he left office. It’s always good to be led by someone with insight.


I feel better with the change in the Republican National Committee Chairperson & the possibility of the co-chair being Laura Trump. This new RNC will concentrate on early voting, ballot harvesting (just like Democrats) & poll watchers to name a few. They will concentrate on grassroots efforts to reach the American voter. I already sent in my primary vote; we need to vote early by mail just like the Democrats. After you vote by mail, wait a while, go to your local Supervisor of Elections website & verify your vote was received. Standing in long lines only to be told the ‘voting machines’ are down does not help America.


I see Nikki Haley making her case for President & one thing I see missing is Trust. This election is all about who you Trust to do what they say they will do. The logical person would learn from history, Trump has already done in the past what he promises to do in the future, for Hailey it’s just a promise. Also, look at who is funding these candidates, you will discover Hailey gets funding from the left & that is a huge red flag. America cannot afford to make a mistake in this election, this is America’s last hope.


The major problem is how time-consuming it is to uncover facts of events in America. For instance, the history of social media & voting or the realities of our financial system or the present dangers of illegal immigration once you uncover the intent & purpose of past events you have a clearer understanding of present events allowing you to vote intelligently. I don’t sit & watch an hour-long video; I watch it in segments in between doing other things. You can either believe people who tell you from its inception social media was used to influence elections, the reality of our financial system, or the threat illegal immigration imposes on America, or you can find out for yourself, and then inform others.


Please understand, that most of what is happening in America didn’t start with Biden, it has been going on for decades. The only difference is now it has come to the surface where Americans can see & feel the results. The question now is, what do we do about it?

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Frank D. Lovell

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Blowing Up!!


When we think of blowing up, we think of negative consequences, however, when it's information blowing up it gives power to the American people to make reasoned decisions.

The spark started with Parent’s, etc. standing up for the welfare of their children & then many other sparks erupted over other issues in our society. The fuse was lit, then Texas & 25 other States blew it up with their border stand. Then another explosion in NY with the illegal migrants beating on the NY cops. Now I believe another explosion with the Democrat Dept of Justice’s Special Counsel’s report on Biden’s Confidential Doc’s.

After deciding Biden willfully maintained possession of classified documents, the Special Counsel concluded that bringing charges against him would only be problematic for a jury considering a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. They went further saying he had diminished capacity. That is an indictment for removing the President for mental degradation supported by the US Constitution. The only difference between Biden & Trump is Trump had authority to have them, while Biden had no authority because he wasn’t President at the time. They concluded the report with ‘this matter is now closed.’ Well, I think it’s just begun now that we have evidence, they can’t accuse Republicans of making up.

That’s as simple as it gets for people to realize there is a problem with govt to make logical, legally-based decisions. I could go on forever with all the issues: border, economy, educ, crime etc. However, the reality is we need to ‘change’ this govt which is attempting to change America, this govt has placed every American in grave danger from external/internal sources.

This should be the wake-up call to Democrat voters, I only hope you now understand the problems with this govt & your Party. This isn’t the Democrat party you remember; it has been overtaken & controlled by others. What you need to do is vote Republican in 9 months, then work on voting certain Democratic politicians out of office & elect those who support your values. Don’t be fooled by those who go on the media & talk around the facts. For instance, if Biden had classified documents he had no authority to have that is a legal violation that talking can’t resolve.

The more these ****-ups happen the more I am confident Americans will change the govt causing them. I feel much better today about the chances of America surviving this severe attack upon her. I have confidence in those American Patriots.

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I'm writing this because this is something I care about deeply & it won't happen without the support of people like you. Starting a petition isn't something I would normally do, but I was moved to do so because of what I am aware of, happening in America. I know I'm not alone & together we can make a difference. Please sign and share!

Millions of Americans

I try to think of another American that is being so pursued as Trump. From the moment he declared a run for the Presidency to today, there has been a severe escalation of attacks upon this one individual. You must ask why & you also must answer because his beliefs are those of millions of Americans.


I remember when he said, ‘They’re not after me, they’re after you,’ at a rally. We knew he was speaking the truth, look around us. After last night I think we have proven one thing, the polls agree with the results in Iowa, Trump is leading by a lot, proven by votes cast not political assumptions.


I know that’s Republicans voting however the polls show support across all lines. I hope people realize it’s not just ‘Trump people’ it’s also millions of diverse Americans who support government policies they feel are necessary to the preservation of America. The reality is Trump isn’t in the lead, the American People are with hope of Prosperity, Freedom & Safety.


A majority of those voters believe the legalities against Trump are politically motivated, that’s a common-sense belief to me. This only leaves me with the belief, that there are a # of people in power utilizing the legal system who will do whatever is necessary to deny Americans the policies they feel are best for America.


Another enlightening aspect who was 2nd in Iowa? DeSantis with some similar policies & a history of success. That tells me this Presidential election will be about policies & the trust of the American people. When it comes to the Trust vote Trump has already established that.


It seems one of the biggest mistakes was in the multiple indictments against Trump. That only reinforced people’s suspicions of a politically motivated effort. We have reached the point of a govt losing all respect & trust to the point of nonacceptance by the American people. They have already decided on the next President of the United States to lead America. Trump got 3 times more votes than all candidates combined, as he said now is the time for the Party to unite & he’s right. The only thing left is to count the votes in the next election. That’s why election integrity is critical to all of us & we need to concentrate our efforts in that area. We need the voice of America heard loud & clear by WeThePeople.


What America needs now is for the Republican Party to realize Americans across the board want Trump, cancel the primaries & declare Trump the Party candidate. Saving all others further expenses & time, it’s time to unify & concentrate on winning the next election & preserving America.


Don’t impeach Biden, just get the facts out to the American people & let them decide in November, Biden is the best asset we have for winning and restoring America. Remember this election isn’t about one man, it’s about millions of Americans who love the country they live in.


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Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida

Tipping is a Good Thing


Is it obvious this govt is attempting to segregate us? I remember when we all fought against segregation & it was a good thing, we were unified in the pursuit of being judged by our character rather than the color of our skin, it was about Freedom & Equality & America became stronger.


Now I see govt’s across the country engaging in activity that segregates people from federal to state govt’s & their infrastructure excluding a certain race of people in America. In Boston MA the Mayor held a party & a certain race of people are excluded, not invited. Personally, I would have been embarrassed by attending. troubling is I don’t see the unified outrage, that ‘how dare you’ voice of America. Where are those people who can put an end to this immoral & criminal activity?


America is being divided & once that happens America will revert to its dark history. That is the blueprint for a crumbling society, the road to tyranny. 


History tells us the British attempted to capture General George Washington & why not, that act would have ended the Revolution, you always go for the head of your opposition, totally logical. Americans would have lost their will to continue. However, Washington had ‘spies’ which I call American Patriots who exposed the plan & as we know, Washington continued. 


Now for the crazy part of history, it’s happening again but it’s not the British, it’s the govt. Of course, it’s not Washington, it’s Trump, that’s who they want to capture, to nullify yet it goes a step further, it’s YOU they want to nullify as the final goal, but they are forced to go through Trump to accomplish it. 


We are at war if you don’t understand that America will suffer. Fortunately, enough do reflecting Trumps lead. People are not picking a political leader, they are picking a Commander in Chief of America but not merely for what he says he will do, Trump has the Trust vote, people trust him to do what he says. And of all he said the top of that mountain was secure the border & deport Illegals & that resonates with the American people as does drill baby drill. We logically have no choice but to support Trump, its what’s best for all Americans.


NH Gov Sununu just said Trump doesn’t care about the country, he is in this to save himself. I would ask to save himself from what? From an out-of-control govt from what I can see. Many have enough sense to realize what govt does to one it can do to many & that threat has arisen that American Spirit of survival. So, when are we going to fix the Insanity of our sovereign border. That is where the govt should be attacking in pursuit of a solution Isn’t that an existential threat?


According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying the American flag upside down is meant "as a signal of “dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." One only need be aware of the status of our sovereign borders to reach a conclusion of extreme danger to life or property. How many Americans have lost their lives due to interaction with an Illegal or had property destroyed. That is well documented, it’s happening as I write. I only said Americans, there are many more non-Americans who have lost their lives because of border policies. I ask one question, who is going to fix that? I say American Patriots are going to fix that in the most massive Presidential Vote in American history made up of Americans from all different spectrums with the will to protect America, regardless of their politics. These are the true Americans who honor our history. 


Tipping is a good thing. To cut it short, restaurant example, you are relaxing & receive a service from someone. That person is working to pay the bills & people working is a great thing for America. So, I don’t mind tipping for the service regardless of what I give I know it stimulates the economy & that helps all of us…..just saying, Merry Christmas.


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Frank D. Lovell

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There is only ONE!


Let’s think about the change in societal values of Rome, we have a lot in common. The collapse of the economy, the infrastructure, civil administration, political institutions, & the population, must have been felt by all citizens. (the city of Rome's population declined from a million to a few thousand, for example, Blue states migrating to Red states in America) They must have communicated all this amongst themselves, they had to know society was changing for the worse. Yet it's rare to find info verifying this. The closest I found was Orosius, book VII.43). History against the Pagans.


Orosius insinuates that one might think that all this misfortune is happening in response to the recent conversion to Christianity. The empire had gradually become a Christian state over the century prior to its sacking. He does not mention or cite anyone who made that argument, but his addressing it might indicate that there are writers that did. That it was at least conceivable to ancient Romans of that time. It also indicates that he was aware of a decline of civilization of some sort unfolding around him, although he was determined to ignore & deny it.


As in America, Roman citizens were discussing what was happening around them, they saw/felt the danger in their country, but unlike America, they did nothing to prevent it. This is the bright beacon of Freedom; people are waking up & becoming aware & they will act to prevent it. When people hear the govt tell them prices of holiday food was at a historical low. People know what they spent on holiday food & they know it was the highest in history resulting in them not trusting the govt to provide them with accurate facts, they know the govt lied to them (& expected them to believe it) & they know that’s just one lie out of many.


So why flood America with 30-50 million illegal immigrants (no one knows the exact #, who or where they are), give them all the financial aid they need to survive (while American homeless sleep in the streets,) at some point grant them amnesty & citizenship? Now we have answered the question of why this has happened. When it’s time to vote who do they vote for, Republicans who consistently wanted to enforce immigration laws or Democrats who allowed them in America? At that point, America has a one-party rule & the ‘State” has total control of your life. Although somewhere along this process the State must address the 2nd Amendment, they cannot allow citizens to be armed.


History has reached the point where it’s no longer about politics, or $ it’s now about all of us living with the protections of our Constitution, Declaration of Rights & Founding documents. It’s now about preserving America & we have only one option. One who stated on day 1 he will: secure the border, then engage in a massive deportation of Illegals. Regardless of all those candidates who speak of the good things they will do for us, there is only one I ‘Trust’ to engage America’s problems. He has been tested & stayed the course, if he fails America fails & it’s because of us. We only have one choice for the next President & that is the one whom this govt has constantly attacked. 


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The trial that saved America!!


I firmly believe the Jan6th Florida trial of President Trump is the key to destroying the insanity we see around us. This will be the ultimate exposure & collection of evidence exposed to the American People, for the first time for many. In my opinion, the President's major defense is in proving, in court, that the election was flawed to the point it favored Democrats.


It's ironic that they would produce an indictment against Trump that will result in their total exposure, miracles do happen in strange ways. Don’t be surprised to discover that we have won numerous court cases involving the election across the country. Although not the final word, we won in segments, & we have evidence of election wrongdoing, in numerous states. Now is the time for the President to connect the dots in public display of election wrongdoing throughout America under the judiciary's power for all Americans to decide the truth. 


I can’t help thinking ‘the truth will set you free’ as someone once said. Americans need to see & hear about the process of that last election. All the evidence from courts & state governments across America is to be assembled in one court in the Free State of Florida. This will also be the exoneration of the Jan6 Patriots as well. This litigation will be the indictment of this govt for all they did not only to obtain power but to maintain it was well.


I know we had hopes of one big election case before the Supreme Court, we just hadn’t found that one great case, well this is it & it may not even have to go that far. This case is either the end of an abusive govt or the beginning of the end, either way, WeThePeople will finally have our voice heard & America will prosper. 


For years we have lived under the attacks of election deniers, conspiracies, unwilling to accept reality. Now we have the opportunity of not only proving election tampering but exactly what happened on Jan6th at the Capital bldg. Now we have the opportunity of letting a jury decide what the reality is involving those two critical issues based on the evidence presented.


Now we can see how declaring a ‘breech’ of the Capital halted the Congressional election process & deprived states of their voice. We can hear testimony from election officials, review documents, videos etc. from across America of election issues. Finally, the Democrats have given us the opportunity to prove what people have said since 2020. We just needed the patience & faith for this day to come, finally, we will have our day in court, America isn’t done yet.


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Frank D. Lovell

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As it crumbled around them!!


Understanding the anti-Jewish protests going on in America. The Muslim Brotherhood was created in the Middle East in the 20’s, for decades has been organized along with other radical Islamic groups, CAIR, etc. in America concentrating on our educational system.


We can predict the future by following history & it’s repeating itself in America today. It is important to note Mao, Hitler & Stalin all grew their power starting with students to oppose their respective governments. The result of this effort is what you are seeing in our educational system today, mass protests attacking Jews. The troubling aspect of this is they are being supported by this govt who has established a commission to address Islamophobia although there is no evidence to support its existence in America, however, every day we see evidence of antisemitism unchecked by this govt. We see protesters with signs & shirts supporting Hamas, who is funding this? This is an organized, highly funded movement to influence public opinion & governmental action & it’s working.


Be mindful many of these protestors are not citizens, they have no First Amendment rights, & they have no right to protest or influence our govt, in fact, it’s illegal, only citizens have that right. Those who protest don’t understand the organizations they support have a hatred & disgust for gay or LGBTQ+ people. If they were in their country, they would execute them for their sexual preference, that is a fact.


What can we do? First, unlike the people of China, Germany & the Soviet Union we must understand & believe what is happening, that the demonstrations are an attempt to take over control of government in conjunction with many other things happening in America. We can demand from our representatives that those people who are in America on student visas or work permits & are demonstrating in support of violence are deported. It’s ironic they are holding signs & chanting Free Palestine, I agree, they should be free from the tyranny of Hamas & the control of Iran, they should be allowed to vote in free elections in Gaza but that will never happen while they are under the control of Hamas.


This govt has erased our southern border, it’s a matter of time before America experiences another terrorist attack. When you hear about Congress allocating border funds it’s not to secure the border it’s to ‘process’ illegals. Recently we had 17 Chinese national spies arrested after illegally arriving in Key Largo Florida. The frightening aspect of this just isn’t the millions of illegals who have been processed into America it’s the millions who walked across the border without being processed, criminals, terrorists, spies. We must ask ourselves where is the Dept of Homeland Security?


It’s also time for this govt to address the Ukrainian issue effectively. Our efforts to support Ukraine have gone above & beyond any perceived responsibility America has. Now is the time for all European nations to stand up & support Ukraine to the fullest, now is the time for our financial aid to stop & we need to focus on the security of America. It’s time for Europe to stand up & put an end to the invasion of Ukraine.


It's our responsibility to contact our representatives to make sure these issues are addressed. 


I often wonder did the Romans believe their empire would last forever, even as it crumbled around them, did they believe things would get better feeling the empire was so good & powerful it could never be destroyed, never realizing it was destroying itself from within as they lived their daily lives? 


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Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida 

Assorted Thoughts

I always knew Israel created a highly trained, efficiently equipped military they accurately named Israel Defense Forces (IDF) because their mission has never been expansion, it is always the safety of Israel. However, I believe their greatest asset is the mentality not concentrated on their Safety but their Very Existence. Unlike most wars, this isn’t about concerns of land being lost but of their extermination by people who refuse to live in Peace. I hope Israel intends to attack the Hezbollah targets in the north, that is where the real threat to their existence exists, I feel the Hamas attacks were intended as a diversion while the major attack will come from Hezbollah. I believe this because I know the Israelis are not a people who will be fooled again when it comes to the integrity of governments. I’m confident most of the Israeli intelligence involves Hezbollah & this is all backed by Iran, I am also confident Israel can defeat all those who intend to kill them & they should finish it in this what could be the ‘Last Israeli War’ as it should be. Just an afterthought, there were people from 32 countries murdered in the Hamas attacks on Israel, I want to know where their countries' voices are, and their resources, they all need to support Israel in any way they can, just saying.

House Hearings, debates, etc.

We now have a functioning Congressional House of The People. For those interested in what govt is doing & who is doing it, House hearings are critical. It’s the only place you become aware of both sides (debate or vote) & can decide where the ‘spin’ is, it separates fact from fiction because you are watching, listening in real time & can decide what you believe is factual. If you record, you need to record House hearings so you can watch anytime. If you want the truth forget the news, watch govt at work & tell others. We must all work towards an educated upcoming vote.

Middle East Peace

The Middle East has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity & I fear they will squander it. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, etc. all hate & fear Iran. The Iranian people hate their govt & the only way to free Palestinians is to eradicate Hamas so they can live in peace. They should all join forces with Israel & declare war against Iran & rid the Middle East of this terror once & for all.

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