Book of Pt15 on Sound the Shofar

Do thy will three words uttered by the Son of God who said, “It is written of me." Doing , fulfilling the first and establishing the second covenant once and for all. Through this it would be possible to sanctify those who believe through the offering of the body of as the slain once and for all. It is here that the book of Hebrews brings us into the truth of what the has been leading the readers all along. He is directly addressing the whose own knowledge of the at is well understood. Yet for some in the #faith of the #Messiah had need of this further teaching.  Not to forget here that today in our societies this book has a great potential for bringing the #gentiles into a greater understanding of the work, purpose, and fulfillment of the through the #atonement and the #cross. All #Todothywill.

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