Prepping Nation

  • 8 members
  • W

Group Name:
Prepping Nation

This group was created in order to help individuals and groups connect with other preppers/survivalists. Feel free to post, chat, comment and create events relating to prepping. We do not promote or condone illegal activity of any kind. No posts that contain pornographic content, violent graphic content or hate speech of any kind. No discussions that will bring unwarranted, unwanted attention to our group by local, state or federal authorities (such as use of or building of explosives, stockpiling of weapons, assault groups or anything that can be misconstrued as illegal or suspicious). Conspiracy theory posts or posts designed to stir the pot and make other members upset or angry will not be approved. We don’t tolerate insulting other members, nor will we tolerate discussions of cannibalism or attacking of other preppers (even in jest). Blocking admins or moderators is not permitted - the consequence is immediate removal from our groups. If anyone violates the above rules, it may result in either a warning, muting, or expulsion from the group depending on the severity of the violation.  This group is intended for respectful, friendly discussions, not vicious debates, or disrespectful, insulting/grossly offensive comments. We expect members to be courteous and respectful of other members.  If you don’t like a post, scroll past rather than commenting something that violates the rules of the group.  Everyone is at a different level of experience and snarky, disrespectful comments only fracture the group continuity and dynamics. We are here to connect safely as a Prepping Nation and learn from each other. We appreciate your cooperation.

This group was created in order to help individuals and groups connect with other preppers/survivalists. Feel free to post, chat, comment and create events relating to prepping. We do not promote or condone illegal activity of any kind. No posts that contain pornographic content, violent graphic content or hate speech of any kind. No discussions that will bring unwarranted, unwanted attention to our group by local, state or federal authorities (such as use of or building of explosives, stockpiling of weapons, assault groups or anything that can be misconstrued as illegal or suspicious). Conspiracy theory posts or posts designed to stir the pot and make other members upset or angry will not be approved. We don’t tolerate insulting other members, nor will we tolerate discussions of cannibalism or attacking of other preppers (even in jest). Blocking admins or moderators is not permitted - the consequence is immediate removal from our groups. If anyone violates the above rules, it may result in either a warning, muting, or expulsion from the group depending on the severity of the violation.  This group is intended for respectful, friendly discussions, not vicious debates, or disrespectful, insulting/grossly offensive comments. We expect members to be courteous and respectful of other members.  If you don’t like a post, scroll past rather than commenting something that violates the rules of the group.  Everyone is at a different level of experience and snarky, disrespectful comments only fracture the group continuity and dynamics. We are here to connect safely as a Prepping Nation and learn from each other. We appreciate your cooperation.